Every day, about 10,000 Kenyans log in to BrighterMonday’s portal in search of a job opportunity. This number has been growing especially as higher university intakes lead to more graduates. To keep up with the growing numbers of job seekers, the firm has revamped its portal adding more features for both job seekers and employers.
The Kenya Economic Report 2013 says Kenya is characterized by high rates of unemployment among the youth, coupled with similarly high rates of underemployment and informal employment in the same demographic. Employment rate among those aged 15 to 24 years stood at only 48.6 percent, but this rose to 62.7 percent for those in the 15 to 35 age group.
Robert Kimani, Chief Executive Officer, BrighterMonday says, “ We analyzed thousands of past records of job seekers and employer postings, looking at factors that resulted in job seekers being successfully matched to employers. We aim to ensure that every job seeker is guided in applying for jobs with the aim of achieving a 99% match.”
In addition, the number of steps taken by users in applying for a job has been reduced. Users will be automatically notified of new job postings that fit their profiles based on their profile and past job searches indicating their interests.
For employers, the new portal provides more capabilities and control over their postings. When it comes to responding to job applications, an automated feedback mechanism will especially come in handy for employers who receive numerous applications for their postings. An analysis tools also helps employers see how job applicants are responding to the posting, contrasting the views from actual applications.
On the other hand, employers will be able to interact with the self-service modules on the websites, and also give direct automated feedback to the jobseekers. They will also have full control of their content, with simple easy to use dashboards that show the number of views per job advertised and the number of applications.
Just like any other life goal, finding a job is not easy, it requires forethought, training, planning, education and a calculated strategy. It is for this reason that BrighterMonday has partnered with Everest expedition team to symbolize the struggle undertaken when searching for a job.
Steve Obayi, who represented the company last year for the same expedition will try to climb the Everest a 2nd time as an encouragement to give hope to the Kenyan Employers and Job seekers that are as determined in their quests to improve their specific situations.
The climb of Mount Everest is not about the glory of the summit but the true value and character building nature which is in the preparations; everything that is required not only to get to the peak of the mountain but also to its foot.