Innovation has become the critical ingredient in strategies for creating new markets and sustaining company growth. The need for technology in enabling such solutions is highly crucial and for this reason, iHub Kenya Limited has moved to enter into a long term partnership Chase Bank (K) Ltd to gain access to the highly innovative technology community of East Africa.
The partnership will see the two parties co-operate towards the creation of a technologically advanced ecosystem to improve accessibility, offer more affordable and convenient products and services as well as enhance innovation through the use of technology, with Chase Bank supporting a number of influential initiatives hosted by the ihub and mlab in technology and enterprise.
The creation of a network that generates great ideas, a pipeline that analyses test and validates various stages of its development and technological capabilities, to successful development that involves the support in incubation, acceptance in testing and user experience, will be the mainstay of this partnership. It is expected that this support will see Chase Bank make ground-breaking strides to move banking beyond mobile money payments to virtual currencies, cashless economies, with financial services innovation that will extend conversations in the banking sector beyond traditional modes of transacting to a technology driven system, positioning Chase Bank at the forefront in excellence in product development.
Chase Bank which has long been recognised as an innovative partner has promised to fully utilize this partnership to nurture the best technologically advanced innovation eco system that will see innovative products and innovative solutions being birthed that will enable our clients to achieve what matters to them most.
Innovation is key in the achievement of Kenya’s Vision 2030 therefore the partnership greatly contributes towards making Kenya a globally competitive and prosperous nation by creating an enabling environment that encourages and enhances the development, expansion and use of information communications technology.