Now on Twitter: Group Direct Messages and Mobile Video Camera

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‘Tweeps’ will henceforth have a wide range of engaging options with the introduction of new features on the messaging platform. As of now, twitter users can keep tabs on top tweets ran when offline thanks to the ‘while you were away’ feature recently launched.

Twitter has today rolled out Group direct messages and video camera that is expected to take Twitter experience to a whole new level. The group direct messaging lets you start conversations with any of your followers who don’t all need to follow one another in order to chat. One can create a group in just a few taps. When you’re added to a group, you’ll get a notification.

Group Direct messages will now enable public conversations to continue privately within a smaller group. The ability to converse privately with groups will give its users more options for how and with whom they communicate on Twitter.

Capture, edit and share videos right from your Twitter app

Tweets have been more than 140 characters for some time. And starting today, everyone will soon be able to seamlessly capture, edit and share videos right from the Twitter app, too. The Twitter camera is designed to be simple to use so as to capture and share life’s most interesting moments as they happen.

In just a few taps one can add a video to unfolding conversations, share perspectives of a live event, and show everyday moments instantly, without ever having to leave the app. Viewing and playing videos will also be as simple: videos are previewed with a thumbnail and you can play them with just one tap.

Twitter’s unique mobile video camera and inline editing experience lets you capture and share videos up to 30 seconds in an instant. Twitter for iPhone users will be able to upload videos from the camera roll as well, a feature that will be available on Android app soon.

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