African Start-Ups to Watch Out for in 2015

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From the Northern tip of the African continent to the southernmost tip, innovation rings true in every sense of the word. Africa’s diversity is enormous with over a billion people, a billion minds to boot. Technology is rapidly infusing its way into the nooks and crannies of the African continent, and there are some pretty bright people taking this wave and riding by coming with highly innovative concepts. Africans are innovating and starting businesses, there is no doubt about that-and here are some of those leading start-ups in Africa:

iMote- Morocco
iMote is an amulet that lets you gain control over your Smartphone and the world around you. Without touching your phone and with a simple gesture or a push of a button, iMote let’s you skip to the next song, order a cab, decrease your smart AC temperature, take family pictures, or make your phone ring when you can’t remember where you placed it; not to mention that iMote is unique to you, meaning all gestures are customizable.

jampp- South Africa
They have teams based in Buenos Aires, London, Rio de Janeiro and Cape Town- jampp is a Startup with global ambitions. jampp have built an advanced technology platform that streamlines the whole mobile app marketing process (from user acquisition to re-engagement) by applying big data, programmatic buying and machine learning.

Bsavi- South Africa
Bsavi is an app that aggregates real-time social, credit and bank transaction data into a single place that allows banks, credit providers and e-commerce businesses to connect to users’ financial graph for a more streamlined transaction experience.

PushCV- Nigeria
PushCV is a database of CVs designed to assist employers locate the best people to hire. PushCV’s team also work towards helping potential employees develop their knowledge, skills and abilities while simultaneously connecting the right people with the right job.

Voise- Egypt
Voise is a social platform that facilitates discussions for creators and innovators. It provides a space for new voices, as well as breaking news on a variety of topics. Nigeria is an online shopping mall helping consumers find the best possible deals for computers, mobiles, electronics and much more.

Sweepsouth- South Africa
Sweepsouth’s goal is to assist professional cleaners’ access to employment opportunities and allow homeowners to conveniently book their services. By bringing technology into the process, they hope to help modernize the domestic cleaning services industry.

8Bit- South Africa
8Bit is a native advertising and content discovery platform with a focus on emerging markets. 8Bit provides a suite of tools to online publishers that assist them in better understanding and growing their online audiences across various networks.

NileCode- Egypt
Nilecode is specialized in building internet based applications for Enterprises, Startups and SMEs in addition to building its own portfolio of innovative apps. It is made up of a team of young professionals seeking to ensure the best quality service for their clients and audience using innovative and creative techniques that makes the web work for people.

Based in Nairobi, Kenya, Angani is a public cloud computing provider that offers services to East Africa. The company buys infrastructure in bulk and leases it at a lower rate to enterprises in the region so that companies don’t have to worry about buying hardware, software, servers, and cooling systems. Angani services range from 512 MB to 16 GB of storage. The company is also doing an Amazon Web Service system play for Kenya.

Mellowcabs- South Africa
Mellowcabs are electric vehicles that offer first and last mile public transportation in urban areas. The startup launched in South Africa, where taxi cab companies are popping up to capitalize on the growing population and emerging market. Nonetheless, Mellowcabs revenue model helps them stand out — the rides are free. They are ad-supported, as banner ads directly on the cab are available for purchase. The cabs have regenerative braking that uses kinetic energy to power the vehicle, on-board tablet computers, use hydrogen fuel cell technology, and are made out of recycled materials, including hemp plastic.
Other start-ups are doing great things and proving their business models, and the future looks extremely bright for the continent.

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