All you need to know about ASUSx200

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The holiday season is here and many of you are most definitely looking for nicities to give to loved ones or maybe gifts for colleagues for work well done through the year. It’s definitely a gadget. We are techies right? Something that will add a digital feel to them of course. This is the Asus x200ma. Used it for close to two months now and you can be sure I will put it in black and white.

Asusx200 model comes in four colours white, blue, white and pink. As you would expect, mine came in pink. Mexican pink to be precise. The exterior comes in glossy plastic that makes the gadget look more premium with an interior consisting of textured carbon fibre-like plastic around the keyboard that looks pretty good with a thick matt bezel surrounding the screen.

You can be sure of easy portability since the laptop only weighs 1.2 kg and reasonably thin at 25.6mm. On the low side, there is a flex to the external and internal chassis which extends to the keyboard but quite minimal on the board again differentiating it from the fellow inexpensive laptops. The keyboard still allows decent typing speed despite the bend.

Yeah, you won’t have to spend much on this one. $200 is the amount you should be ready to part with and that is sure a fair deal. The laptop makes windows 8.1 easy to use since the user has an option to use Asus smart gesture utility where you can configure finger inputs ; taps, pinches, rotations and swipes.

Asusx200 has a 2.16GHz intel processor with Turbo boost up to 2.41GHz and also comes with 4GB of RAM and for the heavy downloaders, the laptop has a 500GB hard drive and built in 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet LAN and Intel graphics. It also comes with a free copy of Kaspersky Internet Security for up to three devices for 6 months.


However, the laptop can be a letdown thanks to the slow processor and system memory if you are a heavy user since it could be more of a tablet for browsing the internet though at the same time providing an okay connectivity for a laptop its size. The stereo speakers however stood out for me (music listener) though at the base of the laptop, the sound was loud enough to even watch movies. I will be clear on the sound though, this is not quality of all time so now we go back to the price and that’s its worth.

The display incorporates of 1,3666×768 which is excellent for a 11.6 screen with a great saturation and colour vibrancy. The contrast is fine too at 509:1. In terms of battery, the performance was above average for me since it could last about 6 hours which meant good working and entertainment time when not plugged in.

The laptop is quite basic and I say it is a great gift for the holiday season in case you had not settled on any. Watch out for the Asusf200 performance in black and white.

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