How far can technology solve insecurity issues in Kenya?

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First off, a round of applause to my dear government for the maiden project just rolled out hardly 48hrs ago.  Just in case you did not catch the memo, My city Nairobi and Mombasa will have surveillance, communication and control systems put up. The multi-million project is powered by telecommunications service provider Safaricom and for those who were clueless, that’s maybe what stands as important information for now.

Well, this follows increased insecurity rampages across the country that Kenyans have decided not to take lying down no more and have taken to the streets with a lot of verbal action going on between activists and government personnel currently. Let us back pedal to 2012; different reign, different era different everything but government clowns. Baragoi in Samburu county saw the death of at least 46 people including police officers who were meant to subdue a series of ethnic clashes.

Maybe Westgate sounds more tangible on this one. Kenya woke up to another massacre that saw at least 67 people die not long after voting in the Jubilee government. Kenyans sat expecting the government to come to rescue but all they got was very threatening and daring speeches from our president and crew. Of course investigations had to be part of the equation as formality states and after a couple of weeks, the government came out to say the terrorists were put to book and they had all died and skeletons , guns and all that could be used to trace them found in the debris.

We were supposed to believe that until the media aired an investigation series that felt better to believe. You all know how that went. Security authorities were deployed all over and searches at building entrances got intense. We all thought the government was in control until Mpeketoni happened hardly one year later. Another 60 down, usual speeches, measures, promises and this is now the routine while we can still take selfies with our president. Cool guy huh…

Late October, our own police forces fell victim and that went back and forth and finally disappeared in the thin air. Now, Mandera massacre is one that has really caused Kenyans sleepless nights not to forget they call home sovereign soils. How shameful! All this attacks are really getting to me now and what I will now do is change gears and talk about how technology will solve all the madness or I should say how the government thinks technology comes in to take away the pain.


Now, this is just me thinking; The government must really be funny right now or trying to be on that note. Who even needs surveillance cameras save for the parents watching over their children while away? (no pan intended). It is not a funny affair, Kenyans are losing life in masses and all they need is security from the authorities and this is almost physical security. This non-militia groups operating around the country are what we need gone. The misinterpreted religion law is what we need put together. Toxic politics is what we need taken care of and as a government that is the line we should be thinking along not walkie talkies, CCTVs and what not. I mean, that should be an automatic solution but not the ultimate solution.

Dear government, well I know you are a tech speaking government  and all you care about is how automatic operations will get before your reign is over and all this in a quest to put Kenya on the tech map. I think you have taken digitization too far and now getting it all wrong. Will technology solve issues of muslim youth radicalization? Will technology clear ethnicity issues among our people? The animosity among people is above the kind of technology you are trying to put up or let’s assume the CCTV way is the right one. Tell me, what happened to the installation of CCTV along the Somali boarder a move that Kenyans thought was really smart and believed you would take care of this once and for all.

KOT are sure representatives of all the other citizens and you can bet they are not happy with the unending massacres and more still they don’t care for CCTVs right now. The cry is loud enough and why your action is not reasonable is just annoying. Safaricom is in business and really they are not even to blame because this right here is a great opportunity its only normal they make it seem a big deal and as if you are doing it right.

Have you thought about the incompetent heads of security forces? No seriously, I am not a politician to be eyeing anyone’s throne right now but trust me that should be the first thing you do.  Kenyans no longer feel safe reporting possible insecurity incidents according to reliable sources; in the case of the recent massacre, the government already had intel before the Mandera massacre but all those who volunteered were routinely killed and that police bosses were doing business with the town’s tycoons apparently known to sponsor terrorism.

This should give the government a clue on measures to take and not finding ways to ignore the cause of insecurity by throwing in useless technology. Maybe it is this same technology that has made it so easy for terrorists to operate and the best way would be countering that. Drones? (I wouldn’t know)

…and lastly, Mr President,  you seem to really care about dramatizers, portrait artists, selfies, Formula1 and the list goes on and on. What I am not sure of is if you are aware how bad it is for Kenyans matters pertaining security. Well maybe you are because your C.S signed what they call a landmark deal with Safaricom yesterday. Clearly, what you are not aware of is measures to take on this one and because twitter is where you meet with the tech friendly and relatively civilized citizens, why don’t you ask KOT? Sure they know what they need.





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  • I don’t agree with you. The technology drive will supplement other efforts in improving security. One of the main advantages thugs have is that they are mostly anonymous; that means when you are looking for them you mostly have no clue about how they look like. CCTV’s especially in crowded areas will greatly assist in this. However, as I said, it is only a supplement of other initiatives.

    Shaf Shafi November 26, 2014 16:55