The Kenyan accelerator plant located in Nairobi has been termed a ‘silicon valley’ success among other startup hubs across the world. This is because the hub’s potential is at the same shot as a silicon valley entrepreneur who make it big not just locally but globally.
Nailab not only represents Kenya but Africa, meaning it is above all the accelerator plants in the continent right? I may not be in agreement with the survey done but I am right. Kenya still has a lot to learn from the other countries around Africa in terms of technology, startup incubators and the programmes offered in the respective establishment.
Out of 58 countries in the continent Kenya still does not make as lead in the technology scene, digitization has not yet been fully implemented too. Entrepreneurs were still not keen on Startup incubators until 2010 which is quite recent. Four years down the line, we are doing great but not excellent. Exactly the reason we still don’t deserve the position allocated by CNN’s ‘smart business’.
Looking at the rest of the startup incubators given credit by the source, Nailab is still not at the same level. Talking to Nailab’s Co-founder Sam Gichuru, the rank does not apply to the current situation of the incubator. Great startups and ideas are in order, implementation is in place but the level and pace at which they all apply is quite different and not in level with the rest. This may mean criticizing the logistics that backup the analysis but just take a look at it and think about it. It is quite peculiar having the hub as the only shining star in the continent.
In the next five years, the hub should represent Africa without a doubt considering the rate at which it’s developing. Clad light, Sokotext, Kejahunt, GOkibali and Dumaworks are just among brilliant ideas designed to provide solutions for Kenyans.