Ticket fraud management with ticketsasa

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Today, events have become key and frequent owing to the fact that individuals now know how to unwind better and in more fun ways. Hardly does a weekend pass without an exciting event, may it be for kids, adults, teens and different gender conventions held for various purposes. Ticketsasa got you on this. No more hustle of getting to selling points which are mostly located in malls and renowned centers, no more queues to have your hands on a single ticket, you don’t have to produce all the identification documents to prove how genuine your ticket is.

Popular events held within and outside Nairobi are among the list provided by ticket sasa. Besides purchasing tickets via the portal, one can also sell tickets through the platform in a case of an event by first registering on www.pesapal.com as merchant then providing needed information on the event.

Blankets & wine, Mingle, Oktoberfest are among the popular events taken care of for you. Purchasing a ticket on ticketsasa.com is a user friendly process with guidelines and requirements clearly stated this involves name of event, venue of the event, time and date plus any other necessary information about it.

Event organizers or rather companies looking to host an event should embrace cashless payment of tickets to curb fraud in events. Gor Mahia, a local football club that often holds matches had a case of fake tickets provided to fans which caused mayhem and had the situation out of control.

As an event organizer you may not be able to know whether the agent you have entrusted to print and distribute tickets is trustworthy; possibly the agent will collaborate with fraudsters to reproduce fake tickets hence eat up your hard earned money. With ticketsasa, you will only need to ask interested event attendees to buy tickets from ticketsasa portal. There won’t be need to worry about ticket fraudsters.

Related: Digitize your business payment options by acquiring a Pesapal Account

Other goodies from ticketsasa

Many can attest to how convenient the ticket portal is for both clients and event organizers. The platform powered by PesaPal provides a comprehensive list of events to choose from; movies, gigs, conferences, festivals, games, road trips and many other social gatherings. Even better, ticketsasa provides holiday getaways to different destinations for individuals or a group of people through the ‘ticketsasa travel’ which is a fast, simple and secure booking for flights and hotels.

Provided with a list range of hotels on ticketsasa, you only need to pick the departure airport, arrival destination and a date and all the hard work is done for you. Connecting flights can also be booked on Ticketsasa what is required of you is to add all the bookings and whatever you need in a shopping cart and pay at the end. Once you click on the payment options, you will automatically access your webpage to the PesaPal payment system to take payment safely and securely.  You will then Log into your Pesapal account, under ‘Transactions’ click on the transaction details and download the receipt. This will be followed by a confirmation message with details to your contact email address which you supplied during the booking process.

No, you don’t need a boarding pass for your travel, only take with you the reference number your ticket is issued automatically and you check-in at the airport with the reference. In the case of flight changes, maybe time, date and route, ticketsasa has provided contacts on its website to acquire help from this also calls for cancellation which will depend on the airline’s or hotel’s regulations.

Ticket sasa travel is available from any location as long as you can access internet. Holiday packages to different destinations are also in a wide range to choose from; couple travel, family or group packages are also in order.

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  • I no longer have to queue outside the gate waiting to purchase a ticket to an event. I can now access one online through Ticketsasa. Have a look at  their website https://www.ticketsasa.com/

    Seline May 22, 2015 12:02
  • Thanks to ticketsasa i can now purchase tickets to events in advance in a secure and convenient way. https://www.ticketsasa.com/events

    Seline June 15, 2015 10:27