Safaricom to pay sh6bn for 4G.

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Mobile service provider Safaricom will part with ksh6.45 billion plus in the transition to 4G a tentative price that may be more once the final price for the 4G spectrum is determined.

This comes amid installation of security surveillance gadgets to be set up by the telecommunications company. Issuance of the spectrum being one of the conditions to allow Safaricom to head the security project, the firm struck a deal that will see it set up a national security surveillance system to be repaid partly by allocation of spectrum and the rest converted to a loan payable from 2016.

Safaricom has however not yet finalized the deal with Interior ministry which will see the firm apply for the spectrum to follow a normal procedure and have the board scrutinize their conditions. The telco will be the first in Kenya to acquire the new spectrum with rival firms having plans underway.


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