InfoDev a global entrepreneurship program in the World Bank Group shows its support by being a sponsor of PIVOT East 2014. For the fourth consecutive year, the program will support growth-oriented entrepreneurs through creative and path-breaking venture enablers such as innovation hubs, incubation centres and other business accelerators.
InfoDev has been a consistent sponsor of PIVOT East, a mobile startup competition organized by m:lab East Africa. Created by infoDev’s mobile innovation program,m:lab East Africa has invested $120,000 in the past 15 winners of the PIVOT East competition.
“m:lab East Africa and pivot East flagship activities of infoDev’s mobile innovation program” says Valerie D’Costa, infoDev’s program Manager. “They demonstrate how mobile technologies have lowered the market barriers for aspiring entrepreneurs and have led to viable companies. We will continue to work with our mlabs around the world as they propel positive, disruptive change.”
PIVOT East accelerates and transitions trainee’s ideas into viable products while providing investor and industry connections for useful growth partnerships.
“Basically we entered the competition with just an idea and it helped us to build a product from the connections we got just by being finalists. We currently have a number of pertnerships underway which look very promising,” said Josephat Mandara, CEO of Dephics system from Tanzania whose TiMe Ticketing product was a finalist in 2013.