CAK targets cybercrime in local hosting plans.

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“We are going to start with all government emails domain names which must all be .ke and with time we will compel all ISPs to have their websites hosted locally.” said Francis Wangusi, CAK director-general.

With benefits such as enhanced legal documents protection abroad the move will address problems associated with the undersea fibre optic cable cuts that result to duration in information delivery. Article 31 constitution grants citizens the right to privacy, including a clause preventing infringement of “the privacy of their communication” but parliament is yet to debate and pass the Data Protection Bill 2013.

Earlier this year, the East Africa Data Centre secured a contract to host Kenya Internet Exchange enables local ISPs to easily exchange traffic within the country without the need for multiple international hops. CAK said it is also working with other East African countries to form a regional internet exchange point to keep online traffic within the region.

Kenya loses nearly sh2 billion annually to cybercrime therefore need to enact law that strike a balance between rights to privacy and protect national security.

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