Ericsson signs a deal with Save the children for global disaster response.

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World leading provider of communications technology and services Ericsson has signed a deal with Save the children to provide telecommunication solutions and support services for better and faster response in disaster situations.

In a situation where efficient and effective emergency communications are available, they contribute to saving lives and alleviating suffering. Ericsson will therefore use its comprehensive ICT capabilities to contribute to a better, faster response when disaster strikes as well as provide communication technology.

The three year agreement will also see Ericsson assign staff and technical solutions as an emergency response or for non-emergency field operations. The firm will also roll out training sessions for staff and volunteers whose main tasks is to set up mobile networks for voice and data communication.

Ericsson response was founded in 2000 when Ericsson employees expressed a wish to contribute their experience and skills in disaster relief situations. Since then, the service has been embraced all over the world having volunteers involved in various disaster relief operations in more than 30 countries.

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