- Facebook Users in Kenya- over 3,600,000
- The number of mobile subscribers – 31.3 million
- Pre-paid subscribers -30.8 million
- Post-paid subscribers- 455,983
- The number of SMS -5.2 billion (three months average)-Each subscriber sends an average of 54 SMS per month.
- Mobile money Subscribers- 25.1 million
- The Internet/data subscribers- 11.6 million
- Number of internet users -19.1 million (estimated)
- International Internet bandwidth- Available bandwidth 862,834Mbps while used capacity 360,900Mbps (three months)…using 41% of the available bandwidth
- The number of registered domain names -29,732
- Google plus users -54847
- Twitter users -1.5 Million (My personal estimation..)
Sources: CCK, internetworldstats.com, Facebook.com and Google plus data
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Thanks for these stats. Very handy and timely particularly for those like us developing mobile app innovations. Now research on (1) most used Apps, (2) Most popular platform Android, Windows, iOs complete with numbers (even estimates), and demographics (3) Apps Kenyans are willing to pay for etc..maybe conduct a poll among developers on the kind of stats they would like added to this useful compilation. Many thanks for helping us with a research shortcut.