Two future technology trends to embrace

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Every year, tech giants bring forth their most creative, mind-bending pieces of technology to Las Vegas. While some of these futuristic tidbits fall to the wayside – either being too over the top or being too expensive to manufacture – there are some that creep into our lives and change the way we do things. Here are some things to expect this year.

Wearable technology:

We’ve already seen the likes of Google Glass and smart watches adorn the bodies of the super rich or super geeky. This trend will soon filter down to the rest of the world and before you know it, everything from smart shoes and clothes to smart jewellery will be the order of the day.

When these items are connected to the ubiquitous smartphone, the user is able to harness the harness the power of embedded computers using natural interactions such as speech, gestures and action recorders. And it’s not just runners being able to track their mileage, gamers being able to place bets on sites like on the run, and fashionistas being able to Tweet from their wrists, many more practical applications are becoming wearable such as Neatmo’s sun tracking bracelet that helps users monitor their UV exposure and Withing’s Sura Smart Sleeping System which will analyse body activity, noise and light levels to optimise the chances of having a good night’s rest.

Glasses-free, ultra HD, curved screens:

Screens are growing with increasing clarity, size and now shape. The big dogs in the show include Samsung and LG who are working to deliver next generation screens that suit human vision better – a boon for the industry that has produced so many glasses-wearing customers.

Features of these screens include a curved, bendable design, richer colour, more dynamic range of contrast and a more natural 3D depth vision without glasses.

With new viewing power, new resolutions from cameras will be necessary. The likes of PlayStation 4 are already compliant with 4K resolution.

Look out for exciting new accessories too: ultra realistic, near-lifelike visual experiences will continue to push technology, and future audio speakers, ranging from sound bars, headphones and multi-speaker systems will all see makeovers.

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