Is Samsung customer care this pathetic?

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On Sunday someone that goes by a YouTube handle GhostlyRich posted a YouTube video describing how his Samsung Galaxy S4 caught fire. The video caught the interest of Samsung so Samsung offered to replace the burnt Galaxy S4 but only if GhostlyRich agreed to pull down his video.

That request by Samsung has back fired big time. GhostlyRich went ahead to share the Samsung’s letter requesting him to pull down the YouTube video and the second video has since then gone viral.

See the video via this link.

What informs my title, however, are the comments I have read from the Yahoo article about this story. Here are a sample of some:

I used to have a smasung 50 inch HD TV, and there was a problem with it, some capacitors went out in the back which began to cause problems so i contacted a local Samsung authorized repairman. He replaced 5 capacitors and charged me almost $200 for it, but the tv was well out of warranty and he said it was not unusual for that model… no longer have that one, looking for a new one now, a bit larger, but it will not be a samsung with that kind of customer care… thanks for posting ~ Paul


I’m definitely not surprised. I purchased a Samsung Blue-Ray player and within 6 months it was no longer working. I contacted Samsung and returned the Blue-Ray player for repair. Samsung held onto the player till the factory warranty ran out then sent it back saying they wouldn’t fix the Blue-Ray player since it was out of warranty.
I had also bought a Samsung 65 inch plasma TV at the same time I bought the Blue-Ray player and every time it gets below 75 degrees F, I have to cycle power multiple times to get the screen to display a picture. Contacted Samsung and never received any kind of response. They basically just ignored me.
I would definitely recommend to any consumer considering purchasing any kind of Samsung product to do your research and if you can find a comparable item from another manufacturer buy it instead, or be willing to get taken by Samsung.~ Michael.


I hope that this is not the type of affairs most parts of the world regarding Samsung customer care. I would say that I have received excellent services from Samsung’s local shops, although I have heard of a few complains here and there regarding some nasty experiences a few people have had with Samsung customer care.

I hope Samsung is not starting to feel arrogant given that they are currently the king of electronics. They should know that Nokia was once the King of mobile phones and BlackBerry was once the King of office smart gadgets.

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  • Samsung is  a leading brand in electronics so i  really don’t think that’s  it’s fair to conclude that  it has  got  the  pathetic customer service .As it  is really widespread worldwide and has got a global base so  some  sort of  irregularities might just  have cropped up but on the  whole  I  think  they  are doing it pretty satisfactorily.

    bovlender October 9, 2015 13:32