No monthly subscriptions for Digital TV

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Digital Migration count down. Four days left. It will be shameful to stare at a blank TV screen just because you have not bought your own digital decoder. For those with Pay TV, you don’t have to worry much as you have several options. One option is to pay your subscriptions. Second option is to buy GoTV, pay a one time subscription of Kshs 2,600 and viola, you will forever receive the Free to Air transmission. The last option is to buy the StarTimes decoder that has both PayTV option and STB option for only Kshs 4,999.

Then we have other decoders and their prices, plus where to buy them. Although information about Digital Migration is out there, I was surprised to learn that most people think that Digital Migration means people will be paying monthly subscriptions for Digital TV signals. No, this is not true.

Once you buy a TV decoder be it a standard decoder or a TV set with inbuilt tuner (or inbuilt STD decoder), you are good to go. You will only need to connect the STB decoder the same way you connect your PayTV decoder or DVD player and you will be good to go. An important thing to remember is that some of the decoders will require very powerful antennas to receive strong signals.

So for the sake of those who are worried, these are the simple steps you need to take in order to receive a Digital TV signal:

  • Get an STB decoder from an approved vendor for as little as Kshs 3,500 (Here is the list of the STB decoders, their prices, and the approved vendors).
  • Purchase a really nice antenna if yo don’t already have one. The auto rotating antennas are recommended especially the metallic made. Avoid the plastic ones as they last only one year before the plastic wears out forcing you to buy a new one.
  • At home install the antenna and the decoder.
  • Connect the decoder with your TV via the video (mostly yellow jack), connectors.

Remember, there will be no monthly payment to anyone once you install your Digital TV. The only people who will be required to pay monthly subscriptions are those with none STB StarTime decoders, those who have not paid the Kshs 2,600 one time fee yet are on GoTV, those with Zuku and those on Dstv.

Enjoy your viewing.

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