NationHela give away

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Today in NationHela give away we give out the last NationHela card loaded with Kshs 2,000. Last week we required you to answer three questions on our Twitter and Facebook Page but today we want to keep it very simple.

We only want you to be creative, imaginative and unique. Our question is, with Kshs 2,000 loaded on NationHela card, how would you spend it?

The person who will provide the most creative, imaginative and unique answer to this question walks away with the second card. The competition runs throughout the weekend and on Monday we will announce the winner.

You can participate as many times as possible by giving us your creative answer at the Comments section below this article. For those unable to comment for one reason or another, kindly find the NationHela Question at our Facebook Page by clicking here.

Good Luck!

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  • In Dubai, Kenyans are facing a challenge when it comes to sending cash via M-PESA from UAE to their loved ones back home in Kenya. Is NationHela service able to solve this problem?

    Kadubai_Blogspot December 6, 2013 18:43
  • If
    i had the nation hela card, it would realy help in acquirin some gifts
    from ebay or online stores. It makes shopping online convinient and secure. With these
    flood of graduations atleast i would be able to acquire sumthn special
    for them. Its a situation saver

    Joseph Ndungu December 7, 2013 20:15
  • If
    i had the nation hela card, it would realy help in acquirin some gifts
    from ebay or online stores. It makes shopping online convinient and secure. With these
    flood of graduations atleast i would be able to acquire sumthn special
    for them. Its a situation saver.

    Joseph Ndungu December 7, 2013 20:15
  • I recently decided to join the techie world to specialize on animating stuff. Through Google i found a free software, Muvizu play, that i can start with. Problem is with Muvizu play lotsa features are disabled until one upgrades to Muvizu play plus which requires an online activation via visa card. With Nation Hela loaded with to KES 2,000/= im quite confident of full commercial rights of the animations i will be making.The joy of making money from your hobby is just the best and it may begin with that Nation Hela Card. Thank you.

    Herbert Malach December 7, 2013 21:21
  • And our Second winner of #NationHela card loaded with Ksh. 2000 is @Frankline Juma. . Read his comment on our Facebook page

    kachwanya December 21, 2013 20:54