Popularize AITEC East Africa 2013 ICT Summit and win

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This year’s AITEC East Africa’s ICT Summit will be held on 20th and 21st November 2013 at Oshwal Center, Nairobi. The summit will aim at mobilizing “smart implementation” of ICT “strategies at company, community, village, city, region, district and county levels to bring to realisation effective service delivery, citizen engagement, health and other social services and education” to East Africans. According to AITEC East Africa, the technology and international communication links for results on ICT revolution in East Africa are in place; and “the need is clear”.

The 2013 summit is organized with the above in mind and so AITEC East Africa intends to provide a platform “for ICT professionals and managers from all sectors to gather information, contacts, and knowledge to take back to their organisations to empower them to accelerate delivery of results.”  Not only that but AITEC East Africa also wants the summit to act as a clearing house where synergies are identified, partnerships formed, and duplication of projects and waste of resources avoided.

Through an intensive partnership programme, AITEC East Africa 2013 will bring together all stakeholder to ensure that the full panoply of regional and national ICT initiatives, whether by government, private sector and or development partners, will be represented, explained, examined – and hopefully priorities assigned, synergies identified and action accelerated.

As a strategy to promote the summit on social media, AITEC East Africa has come up with a reward system where those who will recruit many followers to the #ICTSummit by following instructions as provided in this tweet:

The rules of engagement can be found in the link provided in the tweet. Participants to the promotion challenge stand a chance of winning:

  1. A tablet worth Shs 20,000 by AITEC East Africa
  2. Scholarship worth Shs 19,900 by Digital Age Institute and
  3. 4GB Flash Disk by Digital Age Institute.

Somehow the pricing of the prizes is not well distributed as the first and second place winners seem to take home an “equal” value of prize yet the third winner goes home with a Prize under shs 1,000.

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