Safaricom Choir

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Ever since Faiba ads went off air we have been treated to a series of unpalatable ads by all advertisers. The ads have been so boring to the extent that when Samsung aired their Jaza Keja promo ad a friend commented, “Is OLX becoming creative? That latest ad by them is quite catchy”. I can’t tell how he missed the Jaza Keja na Samsung part (Samsung, you just gave OLX a nice name with that ad of yours, you ought to have been careful not confuse viewers with OLX).

Safaricom, that has been known for putting the money where the ads are, have also degraded of late. From airing misleading ads (read Lipa na M-PESA ad by Safaricom is misleading) to aping Faiba ads they have done nothing but to bore us. For some reason they had forgotten that they have a choir.

Safaricom choir can sing, and to make it worse they can make you long for an ad to air on radio and/or TV. Since when did I stop whatever I am doing just to listen to an ad? Never. If there is anything I have hated it is ads. I am one of the few who always change stations whenever ads are played. Safaricom choir changed all this since their “Niko na Safaricom” debut.

Their is some characteristic magic in the voices of that choir. They don’t just sing to your ears or your head but in a very unique way the song vibrates to the heart. The song makes one warm up to whatever they are advertising, be it M-PESA or Safaricom. They transform Safaricom brands into anthems. Walking down town it won’t be surprising to pass-by someone murmuring the M-PESA or Niko Na Safaricom lyrics thanks to the amazing Safaricom choir.

This is the reason I want to suggest to Safaricom choir to create complete songs, beautifully and skillfully done, that sing about Safaricom products albeit subtly (no one would want to buy songs knowing so well that they are ads).

I don’t want to say much, I just want to buy an album done by Safaricom choir as long as it is not a religious song neither a direct promotion of Safaricom products. Safaricom choir should also be on TV always promoting those Safaricom products.


In other news, it has been mentioned by Bloomberg that Safaricom intends to run M-PESA on its on platform which it is erecting at a cost of Kshs 25 billion and should be ready by April or September 2015. This, they say, will enable them provide M-PESA services at cost effective rates as they won’t have to pay 10% royalty fees to Vodafone.

I am not sure whether this move means that Safaricom will buy out M-PESA from Vodafone as I understand that not only does Vodafone provide the infrastructure that powers M-PESA but it also owns M-PESA. Anyhow if Safaricom will own and run M-PESA themselves then we are set to enjoy triple benefits. There was a time that we experienced a serious M-PESA outage due to servers that are in Germany went down. This made a number of interested parties and individuals call on Safaricom to install M-PESA servers locally. The other advantage, as Safaricom explains, would be increasing the number of transactions that can be done per second to 600. This would mean that M-PESA delays currently experienced almost every Friday are greatly reduced.

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