Intellistreets: Spy lights come to Las Vegas

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Las Vegas is the world’s sin city. The city is renowned for its wayward activities including prostitution, strip clubs, gambling, sex shops, and a number of sin-activities they tolerate. But for some reason the local authority of Las Vegas wants the sins done in the city recorded for the authorities to see.

Las Vegas has decided that it is time to empower the street lights not only to provide security by showering lights at the darkest corners but to also record by video and voice those activities that the lights see. It is a wonder that Las Vegas which harbor activities that doers would prefer to remain there in a permanently deleted form, wants to keep records of whatever it is doers do in brought day or night light.

Las Vegas streets will be transformed into Intellistreets which have lights capable of broadcasting messages, play music, shoot video and record sound. Las Vegas public works Director Jorge Cervantes said that the intention “Right now…is not to have any cameras or recording device. It’s just to provide output out there, not to get any feed or video feed coming back.”

If you are planning to visit Las Vegas and enjoy the name “Sin City”, well, you better wear the invisible garment under development.

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