Social media is great. It has connected millions of people around the world and provided the link an ordinary person can use to get hooked up to important persons, receive information instantly on things that interest him/her, and send shout outs on what’s on his/her mind.
Then we have blogs. Blogs do enable all of us to be entertained and be informed to a deeper level that social media cannot offer. The when we the traditional information sharing outlets e.g. magazines, journals, magazines etc.
Social media doesn’t give information for depth understanding of any subject. The best social media can do is to provide a means by which link to posts with deeper understanding can be found.
The blogs lack the interaction of social media. You visit a blog post, read, and maybe forget about it. Next time you want to read the same post you must remember the blog site and relevant search terms for finding the post. Basically it is hard to “follow” a great blog post as you would follow someone on Twitter. One solution would be to bookmark the blog post, which I don’t like personally, I don’t know about you.
So what options do you have if you have in informative or entertaining write up you want to share with the world and still get feedback as you would get from replies to tweets or comments on Facebook status updates?
Ev Williams, a former CEO of Twitter has come up with a great idea to somehow merge the beauty of social media and blogs into a medium way of sharing things he calls Medium. Medium allows you to create a profile just by signing in with your Twitter Accounts, to read great posts by category (Collections), and make a collection of posts that interest you.
Medium allows interaction by creating a platform for commenting on paragraphs. You don’t have to read the whole post in order to comment on a particular issue that interests you but you can comment just at the paragraph that has the great piece of information that you want to talk about. Medium goes a step further and allows you to create conversations on the comments with particular persons.
Lastly medium has the greatest editorial tool I have come across. Even as you create an article on Medium, you create it on a user interface that is exactly the same as what you would see after posting.
Medium is where to post the great pieces of advice that you want to share with the world for Medium also has a ready audience. If you have that medium piece of write up, the entertaining poem that won’t be suitable for Twitter or Facebook, write it up on Medium.