How to use

Written by is a platform for interacting with Tusker Project Fame 6 (Here is our review: for TPF6 – Tusker Project Fame’s online platform). Of course if you are the most interactive user you’ll become the Top Star Maker and travel to Nairobi to attend the grand finale. If not yet a member of here is how to register.


Skip 1 to 8 if yo are already registered

1. Type in or click here

2. Provide your age by choosing your date, month and year of birth. If not yet 18 years and over don’t worry, no one will know that the date of birth you provided is a lie. Maybe they ought to have included an option for ID number and they be sure to verify the authenticity of the ID numbers provided with the relevant authorities.

3. Agree to the terms and conditions.

4. Enter Tusker…just click on “Enter Tusker”.

5. In the next screen scroll down to Sing Up and click on it.

6. In the next screen enter your details including your First Name, Last Name, Age (again; I don’t know if you can be caught if you lied the first time. Just ensure you tell the same lie), username, email address, phone number, and choose a password. Don’t worry about password strength as long as you don’t use any of your regular passwords. doesn’t require a strong password.

7. Agree to the terms and conditions and probably also allow to contact you via email and phone number.

8. You are in…go to Tusker Project Fame and start earning points.



Today I officially registered with and it didn’t take long before I got bored with but I guess it’s just my hate for alcohol. As much as I hate alcohol, I do have a dream of one day attending the Tusker Project Fame shows as an invited guest and provides me with this opportunity. If I’m really really serious of getting a chance to attend the final show this season, then I only need to become the Top Star Maker by gathering 5000 points each day to beat Lenovo (second placed by 35431 at the time of writing this article) and MaliqMaliq (first placed with 35469 at the time of writing this article). Lenovo and MaliqMaliq are in their own league as the third placed, Louiee254 has roughly half their points with 17940.

I have calculated and found out that on average the top two contestants for the Top Star Maker position have been earning an average of 3000 points each day on To earn a point with, one can do either of the following:

1. Read articles — one point for each article you click to read on Honestly a web version should be launched. Reading an article that appears too long just because it is too narrow is very boring…yawn*

2. Share articles on — one point for each sharing. Since I registered on I have not shared any article but I guess if you share one article more than once your Facebook friends and Twitter followers are likely to unfriend and unfollow you respectively. Scroll down to the end of the article and you’ll get two sharing options, Share on Facebook and Share on Twitter.

3. Comment on posts — one point for each comment. Here, if you are an online idler geek, you can have as many as 1000 comments.

4. Vote —- You can vote for groups (yet to be created). In users will be allowed to create a group composed of Tusker Project Fame 6 evicted contestants. The group that will have the most votes will be allowed to perform during the Final show. This is yet to be introduced as we don’t have any evicted contestants yet.

5. Vote for contestants — There is a voting that is already gone, I won’t comment on it any further. But immediately the show officially starts, you’ll be able to vote for your contestant through the normal sms platform and via the To vote is the more reason you should register on

6. Download — Currently there are a few pictures you can download as wall papers. They look cool but I won’t download any. Reasons as given above.

So if you really really want to attend the Tusker Project Fame 6 finale, is where to be; and with, you stand a chance of becoming the Top Star Maker.

Good Luck, I’m not competing…way too difficult. By the way, as you comment and share on, ask the TPF6 organizers and managers to adopt our proposed voting system or a resemblance of the same. The voting system is explained at for TPF6 – Tusker Project Fame’s online platform.

In the meantime enjoy a song by Ian Mbugua that was recorded in 1992:



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