Facebook is set to enable you search your friend’s posts, comments and places they have checked in. By now you should have realized that Facebook search algorithm has changed. Initially searching for names or places meant typing only the friends’ or the places’ names but now you can perform searches like this:
“My friends who like Rumba and work at KCB”
“Photos taken at JKIA in 2008”
Searching for photos meant browsing through friends photos album by album or photo by photo. But things changed where we can now search for photos by places they were taken, friends who like them, the time they were taken or a combination of all these.
An example is the screen shot below.
This type of search that is meant to understand natural language was dubbed Graph Search. Facebook now intends to expand the Graph Search to include past posts, comments, and checked in places. The results will not be limited to posts shared by your friends only but to all posts that are publicly accessible.
The inclusion of Graphic Search to posts, comments and checked in places is a plus to Facebook as many a times users want to get a particular post or comment that had specific information but somehow the user cannot seem to recall who posted it and when. Personally I have found myself in such a dilemma especially when trying to prove a point in an argument with friends. The dilemma will no longer be an issue as long as I would be able to remember a key word in that post or comment.
The downside is that your past will easily come back to haunt you; hard. There are a number of past posts that users wish were thrown into the oblivion of forgetfulness. My advice would be if you have those regrettable moments that you would prefer not even kept in the trash bin, then start deleting such posts from your Facebook’s Timeline right now before the Graph search is rolled out in this region. Graph Search will surely get your past within um 0.02 seconds? But employers have a reason to be happy. Today employers tend to comb applicants’ profile by digging into their Facebook and LinkedIn accounts for reasons to or not to hire them. If you are a job seeker, it is time you rushed into your Facebook profile and Timeline just to be sure.
In other news, Facebook recently enabled post editing. Before this, if your post had an embarrassing typo, the only way to go about it was to copy the post, delete the one with the typo, paste the copied version to text input box, edit the typo, and re-post. But with the new editing tool, one can just click at the tiny downward arrow at the top right of the post and choose edit post.
Are these enough reasons to keep more engaged with Facebook? Well, Facebook’s intention is to keep users engaged in the social media and more interactive.
So do you still wonder why I delete all my FB post after a week ??