Apple is the most valuable brand worldwide

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Apple that is both loved and hated, well, not in equal measure, has topped the list of the most valuable brand worldwide. The fact is, Apple haters just loathe the company for its strategies and success criteria or merely because they do not like “Made in America” tag. For instance you remember President Uhuru Kenyatta dumping an iPhone for Samsung Galaxy SIII sometime back? His move was seen as a statement to the West that Kenya now prefers “Made in China South Korea” tag.

For 13 years ever since Interbrand started ranking brands, Coke has been the most valuable brand worldwide. But for the first time ever, the iPhone maker has managed to topple Coke from the list to take the coveted position one, having risen 28% points over past year to reach $98.3 billion in brand value. Google also surpassed Coke to take on position two after rising 34% in brand value of $93.3 billion, meaning Coke is now in position three with a brand value of $79.2 billion, a 2% change in brand value from previous year.

apple most valuable brand

In this year’s ranking, technology companies take on four places in top 5 where we have Apple in position one, Google in position two, IBM in position four and Microsoft in position five. Apple’s arch rival is also on the rise with a 20% change in brand value to settle on position eight. Of the five top rising brands, technology scoops three places with Facebook being the most risen by 43% change in brand value to take on position 52. Facebook is the only social media company in the list. Google takes position two of the top rising brands with 34% change and is position two in overall brand positions whereas Apple, the number one brand this year, is the fourth risen with 28% change in brand value. Amazon that I would consider another tech brand but is listed as retail is the fifth risen but settles on position 19 in overall brand ranking. Cumulatively technology brands are valued at $443 billion which is 29.5% of the total value of top 100 brands that are cumulatively valued at $1.5 trillion, an 8.4% rise from the previous year.


The ranking that is done annually by Interbrand recognizes brands based on several factors. Generally brands have to be truly global to appear in the rankings, with at least 30 per cent of the company’s revenues coming from outside its home region and a presence in at least three major continents. Interbrand also consults with companies about their public image and analyzes financial performance of the company, the role the brand plays in influencing consumers and how secure the brand’s top money-making products are in their field. The impact the brands make in people’s lives is also a factor. “Every so often, a company changes our lives, not just with its products, but with its ethos,” Interbrand CEO Jez Frampton said. “This is why, following Coca-Cola’s 13-year run at the top of Best Global Brands, Interbrand has a new No. 1 — Apple.”


The report has elicited mixed reactions from commenters across the web with this one on CNN’s website being one of the most noticeable:

ackadamius I find this hard to believe. Coke is one of the only companies in the world that sells their products to every single country in the world. It is literally impossible to travel anywhere and not have coke available to you. There are parts of the world that get coke deliveries but don’t have clean water readily accessible.

Also, i find it odd that Apples brand increased 28% year-over-year when the company itself has lost 30% of its value in the same year. So the brand value jumped up but the company value has tanked? Definitely an unusual phenomeno

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