Huawei smart solutions to connect counties in Kenya

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huawei kenyaHuawei wants to get Kenya’s counties connected via its Smart and Sustainable City solutions. The Smart and Sustainable City solutions is an integrated platform for sharing information and providing advanced applications services. The project that is looking for win-win partnership aims at expanding connectivity between counties in sectors of health, education, safety and utility management. The Smart and Sustainable City solutions is to be provided through data centers, cloud computing and enterprise networking. If successful, the project will help counties improve on efficiency of service delivery and encourage transparency in systems and organizations’ structures.

Earlier this week Huawei showcased a series of Smart Sustainable City solutions from its Enterprise Business Group that will accelerate ICT development in East Africa. The company says that to promote Kenya’s Vision 2030, Huawei will make technology driven services available to everyone, anywhere, at anytime. Mr. Wind Li, CEO of Huawei Technologies in Kenya says the company focuses on cooperation and integration with partners and firmly implements a transparent and stable channel policy. Huawei also strive to share more benefits with partners and work hard to build a harmonious ecosystem for win-win partnership relationships.


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