Innovative technologists, influential minds and passionate activists will gather at the renowned Strathmore Business School (SBS) on September 24, 2013 to add their voices to this year’s Social Good Summit. Now in its fourth year, the SGS was started to investigate how key individuals are pioneering social efforts that will leave lasting impacts.
In 2013, the organisers are challenging the nature of instant gratification and our current digital culture. This year’s theme, #2030NOW, will support the United Nation’s post-2015 development agenda by asking: how do we use innovation now to build our future?
BAKE will manage a ‘Digital Lounge’ at the same venue – where print and online journalists will be able to follow the panels, alongside social media enthusiasts and digital activists. One of our members, Njeri Wangare-Wanjohi will take part in taking part in one of the panels.
Social Good Summit Digital Lounge
Tuesday, 24th September 2013
Strathmore Business School (SBS)
3:30 pm – 8:00pm
Read more here