What The Latest Facebook Changes Mean For Content Creators.

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Brands keep evolving, or tweaking their strategies in a bid to ensure that they maintain profitability. Some may see this as drifting from the original plan, but sometimes you have to adopt to survive.

Thus Facebook has announced a raft of new changes.  The company said that it has developed a new algorithm, that’s aimed at identifying and showing “high quality content,” and it’ll be rolling out to all users in the next few weeks.

They aim to help users sift the wheat from chaff. Their goal thus is to show the right content to the right people at the right time, so they don’t miss the stories that are important to them. The latest update to the News Feed ranking algorithm, is meant to ensure that the organic content people see from Pages they are connected to is the most interesting to them. This is as a result of a study Facebook undertook, by asking people subtle questions aimed at knowing what people want to see.

The results of this survey were duly utilized, and the outcome is a new machine learning system to detect content defined as high quality. The system takes into consideration a plethora of factors such as how frequently content from a certain Page is reported as low quality (e.g., hiding a Page post), how complete the Page profile is, and whether the fan base for a particular Page overlaps with the fan base of other known high quality Pages.

Once they developed the algorithm, they added it to News Feed ranking algorithms. By showing high quality posts higher up in News Feed, Facebook reports that it recorded a significant increase in interactions (likes, comments, shares) with this content

What does this mean for your pages you ask? If you have relevant timely posts, if your audience interacts with you often, if your content is never hidden and is tailor made to your audience, it will get shared and hopefully go viral. The ball is now in your court content creators, you have to create captivating content or risk “online obliteration.”


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