Nigeria saved 119 billion Niara by using technology to improve service delivery. The country which is ranked 113 out of 144 in World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Network Readiness Index (NRI) , revealed through her Minister for Communication and Technology that it saved N119 Billion (about 737 million dollars) in two years by implementing the Integrated Personal and Payroll Information System (IPPIS). The IPPIS helped discover over 46,000 ghost works. Other eGovernment projects also improved document management and archiving, citizen interaction and efficiency, budget management, and fraud management.
NRI, in which Nigeria is placed 113 out of 144, is a measures of the preparedness of an economy to use ICT to boost competitiveness and well-being. Top countries in NRI 2013 are Finland, Singapore, Sweden, and Netherlands. Mauritius is in position 53, South Africa is ranked 72, while Kenya is in position 92 just below Rwanda-88 and Morocco-89.
This report from Nigeria indicate how efficient deployment of Technology can help improve Government efforts to fight corruption, reduce wage bill, and develop the economy.