Attention Businesses, There Is A New Video Sharing Platform Made Just For You.

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You probably toss and turn, wondering if there is any other platform for sharing videos except YouTube. May I introduce you to Nideo. Nideo is a video sharing platform for the business community to upload, view and share their content. It is described as a video sharing site unlike every other, tailor-made for the professional community. The video content you upload, aids your business, brand or organization stay connected, informed and inspired through an audience that matters to you.


The platform was started by United Kingdom Roy M Kimani, originally from Nairobi. His linked in Profile reads, ā€œI am co-founder and current Chief Executive Officer of Nideo; a video sharing platform for the business community to upload, view and share their content. Over the years I have had the opportunity to gain valuable skills as a result of the projects I’ve been involved in, most recently Fidgit Box, where I was a co founder and Managing Director. With nideo I look to connect and bring together key industrial leaders within the business community through video. Despite being a relatively new company, nideo has already reached a broad audience ranging from SMEs to large industry leaders. I am committed to maintaining our mission for nideo not only now but for the future.ā€


In a nutshell, why should your business consider Nideo as opposed to vimeo or other platforms? It is a platform strictly for businesses and brands. You are enabled to use video to gain awareness, increase brand engagement and ultimately drive sales to your business. Also, Nideo helps you to expose your business to new networks, by sharing your videos on nideo, your website and across the web.

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You can share your videos to any web, tablet and mobile device. Search engine optimization means that your rankings on Google increase, making you easier to find. To view the videos, you need a password, thus it ensures that your content is safe. Ā Nideo provides analytics so that you are able to know how your content is ā€œfairingā€. It helps to keep tabs on engagement and monitoring. There are different options for you should you decide that this is something you want to consider for your business.

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