A Simplified Way To Share Your Content

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You probably have a blog, you post faithfully, yet the painstaking process of having to share the content just leaves you exhausted after your first ten posts. You my friend, need help, and thankfully, someone came up with simple ways to make your content sharing easy. Huh? Twitter feed. It’s one of those services that has been there for a couple of years, but I guess some of you may not be aware of its existence. No shame in that, as a social media newbie myself, there’s always so much to be discovered!

Twitterfeed.com describes Twitterfeed as  a utility that allows you to feed your content (for example, blog posts or any other content that supports RSS feeds) to twitter, Facebook, and other social platforms. It enables publishers to bring content to a wider audience and track the performance through real-time stats.


Since they went out of their way to answer the questions that they felt would haunt your mind, I shall just share the ones I feel are most important. Twitterfeed takes your RSS feeds, and sends new items to the social platforms of your choosing (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn.). You can customize the format of the posts in the ‘Advanced Settings’ of your feeds.

Currently, Twitterfeed supports Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. For those of you wondering, RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. RSS feeds make it possible for content publishers to syndicate that material across the web (from one to many). twitterfeed uses a blog’s RSS feed to share the content.

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When you sign up to twitterfeed with your email address, you select what accounts you’d like to share to. You can share to multiple Twitter accounts or to any combination of Twitter accounts, LinkedIn accounts and Facebook accounts and pages.

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