Olivine Technology is the overall winner of the Innovation Awards at the 2013 Connected Kenya Summit. One of the Olivine Technology products is ASIM. ASiM is a PC and mobile based application that offers automated stock taking, stock transfers, receipting, invoicing and reconciliation of stock, sales and cash from multiple locations and devices.
The other category winners are:
Innovation in Tourism Category —–Kenya Buzz Limted
Innovation in Agriculture Category — Youth Agro Environmental Initiative
Wholesale and Retail Trade ——-Olivine Technology
Innovation in Education and Training ——Digital Divide Data Kenya Ltd
Innovation in Health Care Delivery —- Iridium Interactive Limited
Innovation in Gender Youth and Vulnerable Group—Technobrain
Innovation in Social Equity and Poverty Reduction —-Duma Works
Financial Services category—Web Tribe ( JamboPay)
Special category With a solution focusing on Counties—Kisasa Technologies
The aim of the awards is to spur innovation in within the ICT sector . All the winners get Samsung Galaxy Tab 8 tablets, online ad spend vouchers and Google App subscriptions. The overall winner and the runner up get a Nexus Q and a Pixel laptop in addition.