88mph Opens Applications For Nairobi Early Stage Start-ups Funding

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88mph, an early stage startup fund and 3 month accelerator program has opened applications for Nairobi. The program assists start-ups by giving them investment of up to a 100k, access to business networks and the know how to quickly grow their businesses.

That’s why, in addition to funding, the 88mph team in Nairobi has put together talent and resources, to add more value for the startups:

  • A partnership with Google has enabled the right space and internet resources to build tech companies, as well as access to Google’s experienced web professionals who can mentor the startups.
  • A host of highly experienced local Kenyans and global mentors have been added to the already top-notch 88mph mentor network.
  • Furthermore, “Entrepreneurs-in-residence” – experienced entrepreneurs, specialized in sales, programming & web design – are being brought in from across the world to work side by side with the local startups during the 3-month acceleration.
  • Finally, 88mph arranges a demo day, where the startups will get access to a group of investors and showcase what they’ve achieved so far.

The Application process

• Application deadline is midnight July 15th, 2013

• Startups can apply now on 88mph.ac

• 88mph invests up to $100k per startup

• Equity will depend on the startup company valuations, which could range from $100k to $1mil

• Altogether 8 – 15 teams will receive an investment and get accepted into the 3-month program

• The teams will be noti?ed if they have been accepted to the program by August 1st, 2013

• Program starts on August 26th at the 88mph Garage in Narobi, Kenya

• Startups in the program will have access to tech hubs in Cape Town, as well as to 88mph’s partner tech hubs across Africa


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