You remember the Chipuka Software Developer Certification by ICT Board? The Nailab will play host to a forum by the ICT Board on the Chipuka Software Developer Certification on Thursday 11th April 2013.
Chipuka is meant to:
1. Identifying job candidates with the programming skills of entry-level software developers.
2. Demonstrating the presence of a well-trained software workforce in Kenya and elsewhere.
3. Providing guidance to educational and training institutions.
The program consists of an authentic examination that tests an individual’s ability to perform tasks that entry-level developers routinely encounter on the job. Test takers write, compile, debug, and test real software to demonstrate their abilities in a secure, proctored exam.
Here are the objectives for the Chipuka forum:
- To appraise the ICT community on the progress of the project.
- To allow for discourse on how all stakeholders can participate.
- To allow interrogation of the process and the methodology.
- To share the vision and the opportunity for Kenya by executing the project.
- To elicit feedback on improving the project outcomes.
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