Interactive site by Mobile Movement to Help Development Community to gather and share stories of aid working well

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The good people at Mobile Movement has come up with  an  interactive philanthropy and mentorship site dedicated to shifting crowd-sourcing from anonymous donations to a relational experience where donors can follow, mentor, participate and interact with project leaders.
With the help of smart phones and a Mobile Movement app, entrepreneurs and community visionaries in challenging situations can present their business or project in their own voice, broadcast their stories, and solicit microfinancing and mentorship from the global community.

Jess Fraser, Co-founder and CEO of Mobile Movement

“If we are to succeed in eradicating poverty, we must find innovative ways to gather and share stories of aid working well. We must bring the information behind these stories to life and we must do it on a global scale”

Fraser  believe that  people in the development community have long focused on the “why” of aid but haven’t engaged donors with more robust information and interactions that explain where the money goes and what kind of impact it has on communities.  By providing the tools and platform, people receiving international support can now share with global audiences their first person experiences and the impacts the aid has on themselves and their communities.
Mobile Movement’s first scaled initiative, after testing the concept with an award from the MacArthur Foundation, is the Yes Youth Can! project in Western Kenya.  Funded by USAID and managed by Winrock International, Yes Youth Can! Western is a youth-owned, youth led, and youth managed program designed to improve the social and economic status of young people and build peace through a network of community leaders.

[pullquote]Mobile Movement is a social media platform that facilitates micro-loans, grants and mentorship all over the world. Using web and mobile technologies, we connect individuals who have something to give (time or money) with people who need support for their businesses or community projects. This is a new movement towards collaborative development.[/pullquote]


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