LG C333 Triple-Sim Phone- Is there need for Triple Sim card phones?

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In the last week or so LG Launched C333 Triple-Sim handset into the Kenyan market.   The phone is a basic and the only interesting point is the fact that it has the capacity to hold three sim cards. I used to be excited about the double Sim-card  phones but now that is no longer news in Kenya and almost everywhere else. So how about Triple-sim  handset? Not sure if people need to have three sim cards, may be the young people hoping from one offer to another. But even that is a bit limited of late. I mean the number of offers from the mobile network operators have reduced drastically in the last few months. I think the offers have not worked well for Airtel in particular which made them chill out. The others were doing it to counter the Airtel moves and to some extent Yumobile

The handsets also come with an ‘easy-to-type’ QWERTY key board for ease of texting and chatting. Below is what LG Electronics Managing Director for East and Central Africa Mr Josep Kim said about it

Our products in the mobile phone portfolio have struck a very positive chord with the market. Our innovation team is therefore looking at products that will satisfy every segment of the market with cost not being a hindrance.

This range of handsets will mostly target the 16-24 age brackets which are mostly fashionist, heavy on texting, socially active and flashy in colour. Its QWERTY keyboard makes texting a wonderful experience


As always with feature phone battery life is selling point .Users can also be alerted of missed calls or unread messages through an LED light that blinks.

The phone will retail at a market entry price of Kshs 6,000 and is available in most leading outlets across the country and the east African region.

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