Kenyan Tech Ecosystem-Where all the Other Parts are pointing Fingers at the Developers (Part I)

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After writing this post which brought in a bit of controversy going by the comments, it is time to look at the broader picture of Kenyan tech scene. We all can agree that it is not just a scene but an ecosystem where different players make it whole. In my  understanding ecosystem can only function smoothly and succeed if each individual part is carrying out its mandate. At the moment there is that attitude that things are not going right because the developers  don’t have the right ideas or focusing on the wrong direction.  Going with that, it means all the other people are doing their part to the extent that the only people letting them down are the developers.

Ok..the Kenyan tech ecosystem consist of Investors, incubation centers, Government (CCK, ICT Board), Publishers (bloggers and Journalists), Techpreneurs/Developers and the consumers. I will leave the developers out of this post because according to some, they are the ones failing the system.

I will start with the Government. I think the Government is distracted by two things and in the process missing the point, the the near obsession with the thinking that things will be all sugar and honey once Konza City is completed and them being in bed with multinationals.  I have no doubt Konza City will  be great, especially if they manage to do all that they have promised to do. But the fact remains that at the moment  it is a dry land with no single structure. Unfortunately at the moment there are existing real people running real start-ups and they need those sugar and honey stuff  now. When you tell people that there will be tax incentives at Konza City then why don’t you just do it now? There are many things Government should be doing now to ensure that it is easier to do business  as a start-up in Kenya but that is not the case.

The Government main thinking is based on either partnering with Multinationals, or giving them business or making awesome environment for them. I have no problem with all that but I have a problem when I see small businesses which employ majority of Kenyans being ignored by the Government. At the end the small local businesses are here to stay no matter what, while Multinationals can pull out at any time they feel like. The recent example is InMobi pulling out of Africa. If Inmobi was started in Kenya by a Kenyan, there is noway it would pull out. But the Government is not seeing that. Going back from the beginning, the Government initial ideas was to market Kenya as  Business Outsourcing Center. You know what that means, it means the country is marketed as a place for low skilled people who can only work as data entry clerks in data centers..And the main word there is “work(employed)” and not starting a business.

Then came Konza City and up to now if you ask the people marketing Konza City, what it is in it for people and they will tell you that the likes of HP, Microsoft, Nokia will be there.. Then I ask myself so what?  They are already here.   I want to hear people talking about Pesapal, Cellulant, Virtual City, Techweez, Xema and Symbiotic. These homegrown ventures, should be nurtured to grow to their full potential.

Next is the incubators and The tech spaces. iHub is the famous of them all but iHub was never started as an incubation center but a place for ideas and research. Even up to date I don’t think iHub is incubation center and it is the reason why mLab East Africa was started.  Having said that iHub still represent the face of them all. I like the work being done by Nailab, I think they coming up strongly. I can say the same of 88mph. Actually if it is a matter of comparing all these places,  all the start-ups at the 88mph have either been acquired or have some sort of investment. If it is about money worth, you would argue that the 88mph is much better for the start-ups than the other tech spaces around. That is that, but are these tech spaces really helping the start-ups? What is their primary role?

My honest view is that incubation and tech spaces have done a lot of good  for the industry and the start-ups which use them.  At this point for example  if you have a major tech event, you would not run out of a place to host it and in most cases for free. It is the reason that we now have so many tech talks. Of course, you know some people have come out to criticize the tech talks but that is a story for another day.

Do I believe that all the incubation centers and tech spaces are angels? Nope. The people who own or run the incubation centers and tech spaces are very connected people but I don’t think they are doing enough to pass that connection to the start-ups working in their spaces. The thing is there are people out there who have invested a lot of money to make the tech spaces run, but unfortunately, the same people seem not to be willing to invest in the start-ups at the same scale. Actually not even a fraction of the same scale. So you ask yourself what is the magic trick and why is it not being passed down.

Next is the Investors, and the song would be- Ooooh too much money around .. oooh no ideas..smh. Lets start with the too much money nonsense. In my last post I asked where that too much money was and who is getting it. Since when did  giving $25K in the hackthons become too much money. Just go back a little bit, and ask how many hackathons and competitions have been hosted in Kenya in the last two years. And how do you rate an Hackathon organized by Nokia to attract more apps in the Nokia Apps store or by Samsung to fill the Samsung apps store or Google Play.  If a company like Nokia organize hackathon, I look at it as marketing activity meant to attract people to their platform. That is different with the global competition like the one they normally host and at the end they invest in the winner. Two years ago, Virtual City won one million dollars from Nokia and it came in as investment. That is money to be counted but the other hackathons they have been doing around since,  have been for the purpose of attracting the developers to their platform. So if I am not wrong in the last two years we have had less than or around 20 hackathons and competitions in Kenya. In all those cases the winners usually walk away with at most $25K. The runs up usually get something, $10K or  $5K. For that let say each competition the winners walk away with $50K. So take $50K and multiply it with 20 and you get $1million, if you add the money Virtual City won from Nokia, then the total come up to $2million…oooooh that is too much money. Seriously that is less than what biNu from Australia have raised to scale up.

The other notion that there is no good ideas around is more laughable. If there is no idea in Kenya, then it means there is a big opportunity for anybody to take advantage of the space. But before we go there why are the Kenyan Apps winning competitions out there  if they are not good. My recollection tells me that some of the people saying there are no good ideas in Kenya have been judges in some of these competitions. The reality is, local apps have won competitions beyond even Kenyan borders. We saw Virtual City win the Nokia Challenge, we saw AroundMe by James Mwai win the Nokia create for millions competition the following year. We saw a number of Kenyan apps winning Google Android developers Challenge. If all these ideas were that big crap how comes judges keep on thinking that they are good? Or is the time to start saying that the competitions and Hackathons are using crappy judges!

My main point is that there is something else in play here and not the lack of good ideas..

In Part two, we will look at the roles of  Publishers, Mentors and the Supporting casts like Mobile phone Makers, Mobile Network operators.



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  • I still insist…i want a comment or reaction on this….

    So what ails us?its simple actually..a
    bright idea does not equal success and money in the bank.Its just
    that.a bright idea. I laugh at all those hackathron winners and what
    have you because other than a headline on daily nation and a mention
    here and there they will never be millionaires..never..remember the
    story of worldspace and African virtual university? bright ideas from
    guys who worked for nasa (AVU) but what happened?They all died.can we
    first understand why before tujadai ati sillicon savannah!!Dr
    IddSalim Komesha the best coders are not the richest..the richest
    steal other peoples ideas and bam!!do your research (bill
    gates,stevejobs,zuck…the list is endless) pls dont insult
    people…it just shows how shallow you are.Ati M-cow??what a
    joke!!dont get me started…how many daily cows do u have in
    kenya?how many are kept by literate farmers?mko chini kama sole ya
    kiatu changu…..

    Therealabunuwasi November 2, 2012 23:36
  • I would like to react or comment on this but I don’t get the argument. Like what do you think should be done? Please explain and let keep it civil. Thanks

    Kachwanya November 3, 2012 12:04
  • Frankly i appreciate the effort being made to make Konza successful, I don’t think it will make it a Silicon savannah, i think hardcore programming talent is what will make it.
    Ok how do we do this?

    I think we need to implement some radical ideas. I recently read about Poland or Estonia introducing programming classes in elementary school. I would add that to Odingas recent idea”Engineering classes” its cool but still hard to implement it would need some radical implementation. Many folks might still complain and kill such ideas, or financial problems too might kill them.

    I would say some introductory Programming classes be taught to kids at primary school in kids programming classes like Scratch + some Robotics and arduino based engineering introductory classes to kids gradually pushing them to more advanced stuff.
    Another idea borrowing from Israeli military compulsory period that Israeli youth have to serve, would be to expand & modernize the NYS (national youth service) find a way to make the idle youth after graduating high school serve for roughly 2- 3yrs. (Recruit teachers from allover the world for such an idea)

    Ok instead of the silly marathons and juakali stuff they focus on, focus on Computer Science, IT Networking and Database Admin classes, add Engineering, Nursing and Medicine to the mix..
    Make it a mixture of hardcore classes and volunteering, building all sorts of stuff and offering crucial services. Also make them do border patrol. Once these kids leave NYS we will have skilled programmers who can transfer their credits to University, i Network admins and Engineers and there won’t be a shortage of talent.
    Now the main problem would be to convince the Govt to allocate a huge percentage of it’s annual budget to set up 5 Huge campuses for this idea.
    If i had Billions to spend i would spend them on my idea than build flashy buildings at Konza. My point of view is the skills these kids will acquire will build a Konza.

    beshte November 4, 2012 11:51