StarTimes For Chrismas- Drops Decoders Price by 33%

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StarTimes Media today announced a drop in the price of its DVB T2 digital decoders to Ksh 1,999 up from Ksh 2,999. Yeah it is  Christmas time in case you are wondering. The offer will run from 1st of November to the 31stof December. The decoders which will have a 1 year warranty will be available at all StarTimes outlets across Kenya.

The subscription rates for StarTimes range from  Ksh 499 for the basic package to Ksh 2,499 .

[pullquote]StarTimes Media has a global subscription base of over 7 million, 1.5 million of whom are in the 10 African countries it currently operates in, the company has set a target of covering up to 65% of the Kenyan population by the end of the year [/pullquote]

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  • Its pretty cheap but their channels suck..I would rather pay for zuku

    cris November 12, 2012 17:16
  • yeah hw the fuck watchs cctv

    bring something international November 18, 2012 18:39
  • bring epl and sonymax

    bring something international November 18, 2012 18:40