Orange PEWA – Allow Customers to Borrow credit

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Orange has today unveiled an advance airtime top-up benefit, PEWA that will enable its customers to receive emergency credit. PEWA working in the same way as  Okoa Jahazi for Safaricom or Okopa credo for AIrtel.  But the different is PEWA is payable within 24 hours with no interest charged after which there is 10% charge.

PEWA credit will be valid for 90 days and can be accessed by customers who have less than KSh5 on their mobile phones. The lending category will allow Orange customers to borrow KSh15.

To access PEWA, Orange subscribers will need to dial *133#. PEWA can be used for both on-net and off-net calls; SMSs, Data, as well as other value added services including subscription to free calls on Holla, the company’s flagship all inclusive daily bundled offer.

PEWA, which can be accessed by Orange Mobile prepaid customers, will be free for the first 24-hours after the issuance of the credit advance, after which a service charge of 10 per cent will be charged.



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