Dear Google Kenya
Just noticed today that on any Foreign Site I visit, there is this “Riots in Kenya” ad by Google. What happened in Mombasa was very sad but not unique and now there is calm at the Coastal City. So the question is who is paying for the ad? What is it meant to achieve? How comes we have never seen any such ads before, while we have seen so many riots in other places like France, London and even deadly shootings in US? Can another one be put up to indicate that the so called riots in Kenya ended?
Yours Truly
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I’ve seen the ad on my site. Along with one “Declaring Jihad in Kenya”.
and another one which says alshabab declare jihad on kenya.
And this other one “Grenade attacks in Kenya”
This is sad.
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The Sabahi web site is sponsored by the United States Africa Command, the military command responsible for supporting and enhancing US efforts to promote stability, co-operation and prosperity in the region.