The Crap I hate on Press Releases

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So of late, has been receiving all sorts of press releases from the PR firms.Ā  Let me say from the beginning that it is awesome to receive a goodĀ  press release but…… Well, as a blogger some things do not make sense to me, actually the right words are, I think they are crap. The following are some of the things I don’t like about the press releases:

1. Leading Global bla bla balh….Market Leader bla bla

Please give me chance to decide whether your company is the leading technology company or banking or whatever. Yes, I agree it might be a leading something but I think people should be the ones to decide whether you fit the tag..

2. What is a first in Africa

Ok…you start to sound like those guys who came to Africa and claimed that they discovered Mount Kenya, Lake Victoria and even the People of Africa.. Look closely before you say that whatever you are doing is the firstĀ  in Africa

3. Boring Quotes from the CEO

I am Just asking,Ā  is it a must that the CEO says something even if he is repeating things you have already written…?Ā  My views is most press releases are made long with unnecessary quotes from CEOs and I suspect they are not really words from CEOs but basically coined by the PR people. Cut the crap..

4. Unrelated Stats

I know you want to make the hand that feeds you look quite nice but for heaven sake include relevant stats…I love the stats from CCK but in most cases the ones coming in the press releases are very selective and only highlight where the company is doing well. If you are Mobile network company for example and you have gone to the extent of quoting CCK stats, do it fully and not only those parts that favors you. Otherwise let the bloggers and journalists write about the CCK reports separately.

5. Over hyping

Again …and again let me decide whether the product or service you are introducing isĀ  going to be ā€œa game changerā€, ā€œcutting edge” or whatever other nonsense. Believe itĀ  or not everything is not game changing or cutting edge, some of them areĀ  heavy crap

6. Sending email to every Tom, Dick and Harry and Revealing all the Email Addresses

I know you want as many Media Houses and Bloggers to write about your new wonderful world changing product but revealingĀ  the emails of all the people you have sent the same document to is just absurd. There is something called personalized email or the other route for you to reach many people onceĀ  is BCC…AvoidĀ  CC button. And I bet many people like personalized emails.


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  • @Kachwanya
    You missed the part where they take a global Press release, customize it and you can see the fonts differentiated, they cant even make it uniform….that irritates me :)

    The quotes from CEOs are “canned” but at times necessary… agencies are getting rid of the canned responses….

    I wonder what your spin doctor friends have to say about that….

    @wanjiku August 23, 2012 18:53
  • wel said.. na story ya mandazi during media briefings no! … we want money .

    Guest August 23, 2012 18:55
  • well said! ……and no mandazi during press briefings . we want money !

    somolong August 23, 2012 19:00
  • Are you a corrupt journalist why the hell do you want money aren’t you getting a salary that is nonsense. I will feed you tea, coffee and mandazi’s at my media briefings never expect a bribe to run my story if u don’t think its news worthy achana nayo you are whats wrong with kenya.

    sly August 24, 2012 09:47
  • 1.Journalist –> i am not one .
    2.corrupt –>mmm wrong word ..
    3.” I will feed you tea, coffee and mandazi’s at my media briefings never expect a bribe to run my story if u don’t think its news worthy achana nayo” —-> true .
    4.I do not represent Kenya.
    Thank you.

    somolong August 24, 2012 10:02
  • I really hate that putting everyone’s email in the mail. Especially when one of the people on the mailing list asks to be taken of the list of the mails CCing everyone then everyone fills your inbox not wanting to be a part of the list as well.

    James Murua August 24, 2012 11:43
  • Really how you contradict your self is amazing why do you want money again explain I don’t get it.

    sly August 24, 2012 15:33
  • @2f4c63018f912a74a2aefe30285ebb2c:disqus
    The spin doctors friends are calling this post hate speech. By the way RookieKe also had a message for the people lifting stories from the net and Kenyanising them :

    “@RookieKE Property Leo in Business Daily “BD Life” Page 4.When you lift an article off the net and ‘Kenyanise it’ remember to change I.R.S to KRA”

    kachwanya August 24, 2012 18:15
  • Spamming mail chain.. terrible

    kachwanya August 24, 2012 18:17