RIM says, they are ready to support Kenyan developers to Create Apps with great user experience

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Research In Motion (RIM) might be having problems in  many places but here they determined to make it and take a piece of the Kenyan phone market. Their first focus is to get the Kenyan developers  in line and today  provided more than 50 Kenyan mobile developers with an opportunity to learn more about the unique capabilities of BlackBerry® 10.

The event dubbed BlackBerry® 10 Mini Jam provided insights into the BlackBerry 10 experience, architecture and tools which enabled Kenyan developers to be among the growing list of partners around the world creating apps for the new platform.

RIM says, they are ready to provide an enabling environment for local developers to use their best skills to quickly create apps with great user experience. To date, RIM has brought BlackBerry 10 developer events to cities across North America, Europe, the Asia Pacific and now in Africa, bringing developers around the world the latest information about BlackBerry 10 and the opportunities the new platform offers for creating powerful apps.

Currently in beta, the BlackBerry 10 developer toolkit includes the BlackBerry® 10 Native SDK with Cascades, which allows developers to create graphically rich, high performance native applications in C/C++. The Native SDK for BlackBerry 10 has a rich set of APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) that give developers access to core device features and a range of BlackBerry application services, such as Push and Payment services.

The toolkits are available in beta as free downloads from http://developer.blackberry.com

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