Ugandans on Twitter outraged by Spain Prime Minister’s SMS to Finance Minister..

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Ugandans on Twitter reacted angrily to Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy after he reportedly texeted the Finance Minister “We’re the number four power in Europe, Spain is not Uganda”. It is said that he was trying to encourage him to stay strong in securing a bailout package. Let just call it carrying begging bowl..from the high point of power…,

Here is something to think about

Yes Uganda is a poor country and yes Ugandan’s economy will take many years to reach where Spain is at the moment but the interesting fact is that Uganda growth rate has outgrown Spain from early 90’s to date except around the year 2000. That is according to the world Bank data shared by prominent Ugandan blogger TMs Ruge here

People can say anything they want about you Uganda or any other Africa country but the fact at the moment is that most African countries are on positive growth trajectory. A country like Zimbabwe which has seen it all is now predicted to become among the fastest growing economies in the world in the next decade or so.

It is no longer a secret that Angola has been bailing out Portugal from her misery and Uganda having discovered oil could do the same to countries like Spain in the near future..yes #UgandaIsNotSpain


Read more Aljazeera


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  • Uganda and Africa need to grow above 10% for 20 years to reach the development stage and therefore you cannot compare developed countries growth rates to those of African countries. BIG BIG mistake.

    Ali June 12, 2012 11:09
  • The  Spanish prime minister should not think that Uganda as a country has no value
    and principles

    Davdeno2 June 12, 2012 11:11
  • This is laughable!!! Fact is Uganda is NOT Spain and won’t be for a long while yet if the best we can do is whine!!! Another fact, we are at the mercy of “The Donors” didn’t you see/hear what Malawi’s President did & /said. Lets get to work and stop whining.

    Faith Apolot June 12, 2012 13:01