Paysure Limited in partnership with Kenswitch and Chase Bank today launched online payments platform. Paysure Limited one of the recipients of the 2012/2013 Tandaa Kenya grant developed a web application that facilitates the usage of Kenswitch cards to make payments over the internet. The service enables anyone who wishes to receive payment remotely to do so in a secure and flexible way, whether or not they have a website.
So if you have a website which is selling products or services online, there are two ways to integrate theĀ system:
1. Payusre WebDirect- plugs in directly to the shopping cart on your website. At the moment Paysure can only integrateĀ with shopping cart PrestaShop. Well they promise to work on the integration with other shopping carts or locally from scratch developed eCommerce system soon. ToĀ integrate you website you need to register as a merchant with the Paysure Limited. The account should be linked to Chase Bank which offers automated settlementĀ process. But for the clients or customers, what they need is a card which has a connection with Kenswitch network
2. The second option is Paysure Payment Link- No website needed. Send your customer link to a secure payment portal where they will enter their details to complete the transaction.. Not sure on this, but IĀ assume that the so called secure portal is Kenswitch network Portal
With both options the funds are credited directly to the bank accountĀ within 48 hours. So the money trail stays within the Banks -Kenswitch network.
Good to know that Tandaa Grant went to good use. Imagine if Safaricom came up with a similar eCommerce product which uses MPESAĀ
There are already some eCommerce products integrating MPESA with shopping carts. I’m using one of them.
Awesome ..Which one is that?