Summer Digital Innovation Fellowships
shiftLabs — Innovation for change powered by Oxfam, is proud to announce three summer fellowships for students and recent graduates. Summer Digital Innovation Fellowships are offered with our partners working to combat injustice and end poverty and suffering. Each fellowship is offered over a two month period and includes a stipend of $2000. Course credit is available where applicable.
Who Should Apply?
Currently enrolled Undergraduate and Graduate students, as well as recent graduates (graduated within the past 6 months) are eligible to apply. All applicants MUST BE OVER 18. You are responsible for complying with local immigration and visa regulations at the location of your fellowship. However, shiftLabs and partners can assist with invitation letters and other documentation.
What You’ll Give
You will give two months of your summer to help incredible causes do no less than change the world for the better. Time commitments and intensity vary slightly for each fellowship, but plan to spend the months of June and July working full-time or near full-time for your cause. Our partners need your passion, energy and dedication to make great things happen.
What You’ll Get
In addition to financial support, shiftLabs and fellowship sponsors will provide a mentorship, daily management and integration with a team working for change. We promise you that these are action-filled, boots on the ground posts — you will not be fetching coffee! Your fellowship can be tailored to meet internship or course requirements within reason.
– All applications close May 18
– This is NOT an offer of employment. Fellowships are internships that include a small living stipend.
– All applicants will be considered equally regardless of race, age (must be over 18), nationality, or gender.
-Applicants must submit proof of current or recent enrollment in an accredited Undergraduate or Graduate University-level program.
Learn about each fellowship and apply: