Tusqee Systems new SchoolSMS 2.0- Better and easier to use

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Around a week agoTusqee Systems Ltd  released a new version of SchoolSMS.  SchoolSMS is a management information system that integrates the Internet and SMS technology to relay academic information for each student, to the parents.Tusqee Systems Ltd are in a mission with SchoolSMS 2.0 to improve the way Kenyan schools engage parents, teachers and other stakeholders

SchoolSMS 2.0 has a complete interface makeover and on top of that, there are a number of new features:

Sending exam results via SMS

SchoolSMS 2.0 now allows schools to send the exam results of their students to parents via SMS. The schools simply need to put the results in an Excel file.

Sending fee balance records

Schools are now able to send the fee balances to Parents.

In-app purchases

SchoolSMS 2.0 has made it  easier for schools to purchase SMS credits. In a one-click process schools can top-up their account with as little as 750 credits. The  payments can be done via MPESA or Airtel money through iPay.

Better delivery message reporting

Redone feature which now allows schools to precisely tell who among their total message recipients received the message and who have not.

Automatic update

SchoolSMS 2.0 allows schools to automatically downloads and install new software updates.

Contacts importation from Microsoft Excel files

If you have your contacts organised in an Excel file, SchoolSMS can help you add them to your address book.

[pullquote]Tusqee Systems Ltd is an education technology company based in Nairobi Kenya. Follow them on twitter  @tusqee [/pullquote]


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