Kenya ICT Market Key Indicators and Stats according to ICT Board Survey

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Kenya ICT Board carried out A survey in the ICT industry in Kenya and here are the key highlights and stats.
The year in consideration is 2010:

Volume of international traffic (mbps) 20,209.56
International internet bandwidth, mbps per 10,000 4.2mbps
Number of Computers per 100 inhabitants 2.4
% of households with a PC 6.3%
Total number of internet subscriptions 4,716,977
Total number of internet users 10,199,836
% of population with internet access 25.9%
Internet subscribers as % of total population 11.5%
Total number of main fixed lines(fixed lines plus fixed wireless) 380,748
Total number of mobile subscriptions 24968,891
Number of .Ke domain names 18,000
% of organizations with a website 90%
% of full time employees who use internet for work at least once a week 52.14%

IT Skills highlights:
IT employement in Kenya, there were 27000 IT professionals in 2010,
IT support people represented the largest portion 27%,
followed by applications systems Analysts and System Engineers
 31% each

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