Kenya ICT Board to Start Startups Incubation Center in Kenya

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Kenya ICT Board to start a national incubation center in Kenya by mid this year. That was announced by the CEO of ICT Board Mr. Paul Kukubo on the first day of Mobile Web East Africa event currently going on in Nairobi.

According to Kukubo,  the center will target 25 brilliant startups, with the incubation period being one year. That means that every year, the center will admit 25 startups.

It is still not clear what kind of strings the Government will attach on their support of the startups. The big question at the moment is whether the Government would want to own some shares on those startups.

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  • In my honest opinion, government agencies should not be in this space.
    They should use those resources to set up a “One stop shop” for startups, one central place for licencing, tax etc, i.e. allow startups to navigate through Red Tape , basically support existing incubation initiatives

    Anonymous February 23, 2012 06:02