Mobile Web East Africa 2012 Opens in Nairobi Kenya

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Mobile Web East Africa has started in a high note. The event is organized by All Amber from UK and hosted by ICT Board at Southern Sun Mayfair, Nairobi.  John Karanja the Founder and CEO of  Whive opened the session. He listed the number of challenges facing the tech industry at the moment. Here a few of them:

1. Data affordability. You can say that since the cable landed in Kenya, the prices have come down by almost 200% percent but that is still not enough. According John Karanja, the data prices are still too high for many Kenyan citizens. For rapid growth in the sector, the stakeholders need to reduce the prices to the level that would bring more Kenyans online. The developers can only be successful if their projects or startups can gain critical mass of users.

2. Lack of experience on the Business Management on the side of the  young developers and entrepreneurs. Many of them come out of school and go through to starting their businesses but nobody prepare them for the tasks ahead. There should be more mentorship programs to help the young Kenyans trying to make it.

3. Lack of clear distribution channels for content. Kenya have many content developers but no clear way to distribute them on the mobile devices.  Talking of mobile devices, according to  Micheal Weitzel of Blackberry  there were 616 million mobile subscribers in Africa at the end of September 2011 . Now you see why the developers and publishers need their content to be distributed through the mobile phones

More are coming up here…meanwhile you can follow @Kachwanya on twitter for quick updates #MWEA2012



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