Startup Weekend at Nailab Nairobi- It is going to be Legendary

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How long does it take you to develop viable business idea? One year? One month? One week?  Here comes Startup Weekend, where within 54 hours people will be able to come up with viable Startup Businesses. Starting on 24th February to 26th February at Nailab Nairobi Kenya. The event is expected to bring  together programmers, developers, marketers, designers, startup enthusiasts and anyone with a great business idea. They will be required to  form groups and develop viable business ideas in 54 hours.

The weekend will begin with open mic pitches on Friday.  The attendees will bring their best ideas and inspire others to join their team. Over Saturday and Sunday, teams focus on customer development, validating their ideas, practicing LEAN Startup Methodologies and building a minimal viable product. On Sunday evening teams demo their prototypes and receive valuable feedback from a panel of experts. The winners of the challenge should expect some exciting prizes.

Six participants and volunteers from Copenhagen, Denmark will be working together with the teams in Nairobi to see their ideas come to fruition. Locally, well known and successful entrepreneurs are expected to attend the event.

So why should you be there?

  • Learning experience: Startup Weekends are all about learning.  Expect to learn a new skill, a new programming or business language and more so, a new way of thinking.
  • A chance to  network:  Networking, networking and networking.. Yes, Startup Weekend has worked hard to recruit high-quality, driven entrepreneurs for the event– Just don’t miss
  • Learn how to launch a business:The goal of the weekend are for people to go from idea to launch in 54 hours. Very Interesting.
  • Get access to valuable start-up resources: By participating in Startup Weekend, you are given instant access to great products and tools. There will be something for everyone

The participatory fee for the event is KES 2,050, and the tickets can be accessed from . For those attending the event finale on 26th February only, the entrance fee will be KES 500 and the tickets can be accessed on the same website.

[pullquote]The 3-day event will be held at the Nailab, which is on the 4th floor of Bishop Magua Center, Ngong Road, opposite Uchumi Hyper, with the break-out sessions being held at The GrowthHub, located at Cape Office Park, off Ring Road Kilimani opposite the Gracehouse Resort.[/pullquote]

[pullquote]Startup Weekend is a non profit Organization based in San Francisco, US, and has so far organized startup events in about35 countries and 120 cities.[/pullquote]



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  • Startup Weekend, not bad

    Peter February 21, 2012 17:43
  • A brilliant idea to bring tongether minds to come up with business ideas, to learn and to network. only if there was a way to include those from countryside.

    Abel from Meru.

    Cmarigu February 23, 2012 10:00