Kenyan Mobile App AroundMe among the Nokia Create for Millions contest finalists

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AroundMe- You remember it? It is among  global finalists in Nokia’s Create for Millions developer contest! AroundMe is a mobile app which allows you to easily and quickly find important businesses and services in your surrounding or any other location with your Nokia phone. For example, you can find restaurants, banks, gas stations, and other local services with ease. Users are able to view maps, directions, routes, street view, read reviews or call the business if contacts are available.

Here are the top apps in each of the four contest categories (listed in alphabetical order) according to

 Emotional Closeness:

       1. Avatar
       2. Blaving
      3. GoogaSync Mini
      4. Hand Draw Message
     5. I’m Feeling..!
     6. Mozat
     7. qeep
     8. Social Sport
     9. Soundtracker Radio
     10. TalkTalk
     11 . Viny
Note: This category has 11 finalists because of a tie in our judges’ voting.

Access to Knowledge:

1. Baby Write Number
2. Eco System Saving Tips
3. Formula DB
4. iJangleGuitarTools
5. MedCel
6. myQR.Card
7. Quick Sticky Notes
8. Smart Yoga Pro
9. Wiki Encyclopedia
10. YouTube Teletext

In the Know:

1. AroundMe
2. FidMe
3. fotoSearch for Twitter
4. HeatMap
5. Lemon24
6. Locago
7. MemoCase
8. Socbay iMedia
9. TransJakarta S40
10. Write3

Fun and Games:

1. Carcassonne
2. Chaos of Liti’s
3. Crash Test Dummies 2
4. Majesty: Fantasy Kingdom Sim
5. Mobiraba
6. Sandbox
7. Sushi Loops
8. Treasures of Montezuma 2
9. Ultimate Linos
10. Urban Fatburner Macho!

 The global contest winners will be announced at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain at the end of February.

Special prizes will also be awarded to apps showcasing the best touch feature; the best location-aware app; and the best overall Series 40 web app. Additionally, there were 10 regional contests held at the same time as the global contest. Details about regional contest winners will be available soon.


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